January 2021 General Meeting on Zoom


The January 2021 General Meeting was held on Tuesday, January 12. The program was by Stephen Robles & Andrew O’Hara from AppleInsider. Stephen and Andrew are the hosts of the HomeKitInsider Podcast https://homekitinsider.fireside.fm.

Stephen is a writer and podcast host for AppleInsider and runs the creative agency Story Group. He works with small businesses and non-profits to improve their internal communication practices, project management strategies, website presence, and marketing campaigns.

Andrew is a writer, podcast host, video producer, and product review lead for AppleInsider where he’s dedicated the bulk of his time for the last several years. Outside of AppleInsider, he does freelance work including app reviews, talks on technology and the smart home, web development, and digital marketing.

Their talk will cover "Getting to know Apple’s smart home platform! In this talk, we introduce you to HomeKit and explain why you should care about smart homes, what sets Apple’s smart home approach apart from the others, and how you can make the most of it in your home."


PresentationCapMacApple, HomeKit